Instagram GIF | Instagram Animated Icon + Royalty-Free After Effects Project


This Instagram GIF Icon consists of 45 after effects layers, 30 shape layers, 1 solid layer, and 12 duplications a pre-composition.
The Colors in this Free Instagram Animated Icon GIF are Magenta of #B0348C, Blue of #476AD7, Red of #CB1A71, Orange of #DC4D12 and Yellow of #FFDD84; stacked together from three shape layers, 2 with simple fill color and third with a 4-color-Gredient Effect, in a composition. These color this composition was then use with set matte as the main color of all parts of our Animated Instagram logo. this way all the shapes have relative color to each other even as they are being animated to form our Instagram Logo Animation.
1. Our Instagram GIF starts from a completed logo. Instagram logo font letters close to each other with position property as they reshape to circles. This happens as the flash of the Instagram Logo rotates a full circle clockwise, around the camera lens of Instagram Logo.
2. After Instagram GIF font letters turn to circles, close together and bounce back, they move on a circular path to act as rays around the sun which was the camera lens. The camera flash makes way for the top sun ray to move, then comes back to its original place This happens as the camera body of Instagram Logo scales up and down as a picture frame for the sun.
3. After sun rays and the photo frame get in place and bounce back, they come back to their starting point. This creates a perfect motion graphics GIF infinite loop.
I used the track matte effect on duplicates of Instagram background to have a single background pattern all over different areas. I also used another track matte of the camera body inside, to change the colors of sun rays or Instagram font letters only when they are inside the camera area. This Instagram Animated Icon lasts 330 frames or 6 seconds and 30 frames in 50 frames per second.
This Instagram GIF Icon is available in 350px 50 fps Alpha Channel GIF Icon, 1080px 50 fps Animated Transparent GIF, and After-Effects project file.
Feel free to download the after-effects project to infinitely resize and customize after-effects shape layers.
You can use this Instagram Icon GIF or after-effect project to practice or use in your non-commercial and commercial projects. Without the need to attribution under our simple license.

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