Instagram GIF | Instagram Animated Icon + Royalty-Free After Effects Project 5 (2)


Download GIF (1080 pixels) Download After Effects Project Inside The Composition This Instagram GIF Icon consists of 45 after effects layers, 30 shape layers, 1 solid layer, and 12 duplications a pre-composition. The Colors in this Free Instagram Animated Icon GIF are Magenta of #B0348C, Blue of #476AD7, Red of #CB1A71, Orange of #DC4D12 and […]

Gmail GIF | Gmail Icon GIF Animated Icon + Royalty-Free After Effects Project 5 (1)


Download GIF (1080 pixels) Download After Effects Project Inside The Composition Frame 0 to 26 The Gmail GIF Logo starts with a Yellow (#FCBC05) and Red (#C62220) pen, changing into two columns. The two columns spilt with position property and reshape with path. I used duplicates of columns with perpendicular blocks for the sticky separation […]