Q&A GIF | FAQ Animated Icon + Royalty-Free After Effects Project


1. In the first step of our Q&A GIF Animated Icon, The question thought bubble scales up as it rotates from the corner anchor point. Then the question mark inside the bubble matte moves up with a nice keyframe graph and bounces back to its place. The question mark has motion blur toggled on, with layers effect to make a solid trace on it instead of a ghosty motion blur.
2. This answer or Idea thought bubble, then scales up and rotates with a similar anchor point like the question cloud. While the Question thought bubble scales down and moves to the frame corner a bit to make room for the answer in our FAQ or Q&A Animated GIF Icon.
3. The Idea bulb enters from below using simple position property as parts of the bulb base move in from the sides. As our light bulb finishes revealing itself, starts to shine line traces using simple shape lines and a trim path effect (keyframes on end to make it smaller and offset to make our Q&A GIF Animated keep moving (shining)).
4. Finally our thought bubbles get a bit bigger and bounce before scaling and rotating down to starting point to leave the starting grey question and make a perfect motion-graphics loop for our Q&A Animated GIF.
This Free Q&A After-Effects project consists of 20 named shape layers and 4 null objects.
This FAQ and Q&A Animated GIF with 4 seconds and 43 frames duration on 50 fps (243 total frames) is available in 1080p Transparent Animated GIF Icon, After-effects project source, and a lossy 350px Transparent Animated GIF Icon.
Feel Free to use the FAQ GIF and Q&A GIF Animated Icon in your web design, PowerPoint presentation, or video. There is no need of attribution need under this simple License.
Also, don’t forget to take full advantage of the Free FAQ and Q&A after-effects project to practice, customize. You could edit shape layers infinitely to fully suit your project requirements without losing any information in the customization process.

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