Color Sample GIF | Color Sample Animated Icon + Royalty-Free After Effects Project


This Color Sample GIF consists of three after-effects native shape layers and a null object so we can resize them, remaining in their relative position. shape layers can be resized as big as your specs can render them. without any quality loss, just like illustrator vectors.
1. At the start of our color sample animation, as the color sample rotates on the pin anchor-point in our free color sample after-effects project, it changes color to different shades of orange, using color property keyframes.
2. I duplicated the main sheet of colors twice behind the original, then rotated back with different angles like The folding fan (Ogi), unfolding different shades of blue and green.
3. Color samples then move to the right of this color sample gif as they rotate to the left.
4. Finally, the color sample comes to the center and starts unfolding like an Ogi as it loses its color to make a complete and infinite motion graphics loop for our color sample gif animated Icon and after-effects project.
You can use this Color Sample GIF for your paint-selling website, use it as a concept of color, option, or taste, customize it to something more suitable for your project(s), or just look around and practice with it. commercial and personal use of this color sample after-effects project is permitted under this standard license.

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